Thursday, January 6, 2011

If you don't like it, you can suck it.

This blog has been inspired by Jamie Vanderpoop All-Guy-Errrr.

The other day Jamie posted on facebook that she was revisiting her blog and had made a resolution to update it every day. I have been thinking about writing a blog for some time now, but I have always though, really who the hell cares what I have to say? We ended up having a conversation about it and the outcome was who cares if no one cares? If someone doesn't like it, they can suck it. So I say thanks for the inspiration, friend! I love to write. It has always been a passion of mine, and believe me I have enough life stories to fill a rather substantial book. At 29, I have experienced life that would make some older people cringe as well as the life experience of someone 15 years my senior. I have never been a conventional person and my life really proves that. The way I think, the way I love, the way my emotions play out are not that of a typical 29 year old woman. I am much different than most girls.(I am from here-out referring to myself as a "girl" seeing as I refuse to acknowledge I am old.) A person at 29 typically has been married for a relatively short time and has a baby or 2. Some don't have any kids at all at this age and hey, if that's your life, good for you! Enjoy the kid free time while you have it. Like I said, unconventional as I am, I ended up with 5 children by the time I was 27. Not your typical life especially in today's age. Part of my New Years goals are to be more present with my children. I work a full time job while my husband stays home (again with the unconventional- pattern much?). I am also going back to school. Being a mom at such a young age, I never went to college after high school, I got a career instead. The time that I am home is usually spent sleeping, eating or vegging out in front of the TV or computer. I feel like I don't have enough time to really sit and listen to my kids. So my goal is to make sure I am really there tuning in to what they have to tell me. Kids really do say the damndest things if you stop and listen. I have some of the funniest kids I know. The things that come out of their mouths seem as though they are dropping a line from a movie. Over the next few days I'll spend some time telling you more about my kids. They are each so special and intricate, contributing so much to my life that without them I would be incomplete. Please feel privileged that I am letting you into my life. This is not something I do often and it takes a lot for me to trust people. Most of what you will hear is surface level. It is stuff that, should you spend enough time with us, you will see for yourself. I do, however want people to know the real me. Not just the perception of who they think I am. I do request that you keep an open mind about me and my life and you keep your judgment should you have any to yourself. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and hey, if you don't like it, stop reading and go suck it.

1 comment:

  1. OMG I love it Amber! I am so excited to read and follow you on your blogging journey. Thanks for sharing:)
