Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bills, pineapples and potties OH MY!

With 35 days left until I turn 30, I reflected on some interesting things yesterday. Mostly they come down to little life lessons that we need a reminder of every now and then. Yesterday morning at 4AM I woke up out of my nice comfy sleep to a head full of thoughts.  Bills, pineapple, and potty training were just a few of the random things plaguing me in the wee hours of the morning. Will we have enough money for all the bills? Where will the next check come from? Thoughts kept swirling around my head at a time when they weren’t warranted or wanted, all the while keeping me from my sleep. Then it hit me: A massive migraine that made me want to pop out my eyeballs so I could get a little relief from the pounding and thinking. Since I was awake, I got up out of my warm cozy bed, stumbled into the kitchen to get some migraine medicine and walked around my house for a few minutes to clear the fog. When I finally did get back to bed, I turned on the TV for a little mindless relaxation. The first thing to come on was Sponge Bob; the happy little half witted creature that lives in the ocean and frolics around with his best friend the starfish without a care in the world. What does this have to do with anything? Nothing really. Being a carefree sponge seemed appealing at 4AM. Sponge Bob doesn’t need a job or money to live happily in his little pineapple. I like the thought of that. I finally dozed off again and woke up with not enough time to get ready for work. Dirty hair it is then. As I was getting ready for work, Charly came home with his dad from dropping the “big” kids off at school. I took a few minutes to have a conversation with my littlest guy about his potty training, or lack thereof. First, a little background on this… 

Charly had just come back from a weekend at my mother in laws. We dropped all of the kids off for a well needed relaxation and couples rejuvenation weekend (you know what I mean. Eh? Eh? I digress…). Every time we have a child nearing potty training age, my MIL takes the kids and they start them off. It has happened with all 4 of the younger kids and Charly was apparently to be no different. We went to pick up the kids from the MIL’s house and were told that Charly had used the potty all weekend long. HOORAY! Off we go to the diaper free zone of our lives. No more mess, no more expense! We get the kids home and hit the ground running with the little boy and his dudun duduns. He’s happy to be in his big boy underwear, mostly because he can access his lil’ wiener easier I think. Back to the potty training story. So, we get the kid home, in his new underwear and he pees. Not in the potty, noooo. In his new underwear. He pees and never stops. Pee, then poop then poop then pee…you get the picture. Something isn’t right. The MIL says Madison is our ace in the hole. She has been the one to get him to go potty all weekend, so when Josh was out night before last, I had Madison take him to the bathroom and she says he went! Jackpot! She's my little baby's potty whisperer and I am totally ok with this, especially since it's working. A few hours later, Charly is sitting at the table and he starts crying while begging me for a diaper. I ran him to the bathroom to get him on the potty and found a poo nugget present was in his pants for me. Quickly I got him on the toilet and the whole time he sat there crying and begging for his diaper. I felt so bad for the little guy, that the sucker mom gave in. 15 minutes later I had a nice dirty diaper to change. Yay me (insert sarcasm here). Come to find out, Madison had been fluffing the truth so that everyone would be proud of her little brother. Oh Maddy the little liar. At least her intentions were good, even if they were annoying. So I sat Charly down when he got home and asked him if he wanted his big boy underwear or if he wanted his diaper. I got the most honest answer I have ever received. “I want my diaper.” He was very matter of fact about this. There is no welllll, I don't know, mayyyybe. Nope, the kid knows he wants to crap in his pants, at least for now. Clearly we aren’t ready for toilet training yet. The lesson I learned here is that no matter how hard you try to disguise the truth, you can’t force the situation to your advantage if it just isn’t so. It took a sponge and a 2 year old to remind me of lessons that should be every day. Wouldn’t it be nice if all life’s lessons were taught this way? And wouldn’t it be lovely if we could all learn a little something every day from a baby, a sponge, and a starfish all in a half hours time?

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